Order Page

To order, first scroll to the tree variety you would like and click on that variety. For each variety choose the tree size in the Please Select drop-down menu and then choose quantities for that size and variety. Click Add to Cart for each selection. Each time you click Add To Cart, the cart total widget to the left will add your selection. But to continue shopping click on the Cultivar link above the variety box or under the sidebar Pages menu click on order page. 

Payment can be made by cheque or (preferably) e-transfer or (in person) cash.

Also, as noted elsewhere on our website, we do not ship trees but do deliver in Victoria and Vancouver. Also, our Saturna nursery is not open to the public (not much to see there anyway).

Please note that prices listed are for retail orders up to 20 trees. If your aim is to plant more, please contact us for bulk discount pricing. The online store inventory does not reflect all current stock on hand. If you do not see what you want, then contact us to see what we have in current or near future stock.



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